
Park Key


2 Park Shelters
Click Here For Rental Information

playground  2 Playground Areas
softball  1 Softball Field shuffleboard  1 Shuffleboard Court
walkingtrail  Walking Trail (Multiple)    


This 12 acre park includes 2 playgrounds, 2 park shelters (#1 - upper 75th & Woodson is available to rent), ball fields, shuffleboard court and a walking trail - this park has four loops.

  • Woodson Loop- .4 miles-this loop starts & finishes at the center of the walk between the two ball fields on the west side-upper level.
  • Westridge Loop A - .15 miles - this loop surrounds the parking lot and play equipment on east side of park.
  • Westridge Loop B - .23 miles - this loop surrounds the ball field on lower level, doesn't include Loop A.
  • Kritser Loop - .75 miles - this loop follows the perimeter of the park, stay on outside trail all around the park.


75th & Westridge & Woodson

Park Images 

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